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Our Investment Team

Aisa’s team of experienced and qualified investment professionals offer our clients a truly personal and responsive service delivering impressive long-term performance.

Investors nowadays are often overwhelmed by the sheer number of investment proposals on offer .These proposals often set out to coax and cajole on an emotional basis rather the offering any consistent investment method.

Our investment style makes sense for all the following reasons:

  1. Our service stands out from the pack
  2. Our style stems from our conviction of its underlying merits
  3. Our investment method is easily understood in terms of financial rationality and prefers the construction of a trustworthy relationship
  4. True diversification lies in investment styles

Aisa Investment team meetings are held every quarter to discuss and review issues affecting our investors.


  1. Risk Analysis
  2. Asset Weighting
  3. Due Diligence
  4. Fund Selection

Ultimately we are able to provide portfolio management and construction, which is balanced to your attitude to risk through risk profiling.

What investment classes are there?

  1. Cash and Fixed Interest
  2. Property (UK & Overseas)
  3. UK Equities
  4. Overseas Equities and Fixed Interest
  5. Commodities & Derivatives
  6. Which all require SPECIALIST investment advice

Whether it be Exchange Traded Funds, shares, gilts or property then you can be assured that an Aisa adviser has the appropriate HIGHER qualification (For detailed information about our staff, including recent exams taken, click here).

However, we understand the need for unbiased advice, and so for the purposes of our website we provide a link to the FCA website Independant advice according to RDR where there is "No Selling. No Jargon. Just the facts".

Commodities are considered on an individual basis. As for the various investment classes there are hundreds of investment products available from many different companies, and if you are attempting to do it by yourself, choosing one that's right for you might seem like an uphill struggle.

For assistance and help contact us.

We must make it clear that whilst you can get all kinds of 'unbiased' information from all over the web, this will not make you an overnight expert and it will often not answer the questions that you are not even aware you should be asking yourself! For complete re-assurance you should be seeing a specialist - one who has both technical knowledge far in excess of a website, and also the experience of answering the questions that only he/she can know should be asked. Time to read the next section on Asset Allocation.

Please click here to see our latest investment meeting notes.



AisaProfessional is a trading style of AisaDirect Ltd, an Independent Financial Adviser authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. 4 Fordbrook Business Centre, PEWSEY, Wiltshire, SN9 5NU Registered in England: 3621676